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These three books take place in the century following The Battle of Corrin, outlining the formation of the Bene Gesserit, Spacing Guild, and Mentat systems. This conflict is what sets up many of the mainstay organizations that, by the time the original novel takes place, have become core parts of the Dune world.įollowing that came The Great Schools of Dune, published between 20. The Butlerian Jihad, The Machine Crusade, and The Battle of Corrin outline a conflict 10,000 years prior to the original novel, setting up the origins of the culture, the Great Houses, all through the lens of a war between humanity and machines. The first part of this published saga is Legends of Dune, a trilogy published between 20. These books can be read in isolation from everything else and make sense in their own, self-contained narrative, though reading the original Frank Herbert trilogy first would be of great benefit. Two particular sagas outline the far, far distant past of the Dune universe, taking place thousands of years prior to the events of the books. Anderson, however, did choose to expand the world of Dune far beyond the original novels. RELATED: Dune: Villeneuve & Duncan-Brewster Explain Why Now Is the Right Time for the Film The Origins of Duneīrian Herbert and Kevin J. It is also impossible to read the Heroes of Dune without first reading the original novels, since they function under the assumption that you've already read them. Ultimately, while the Prelude to Dune does build up the world stage leading up to the events of the original novel, the Heroes of Dune do little more than muddy the events, jumping between periods of time in a way that might confuse casual readers. The final two books of Heroes of Dune, however, were ultimately postponed in order to focus on The Great Schools of Dune. The first two books, Paul of Dune and The Winds of Dune, transpire between the novels of the original trilogy, filling in blanks those novels left behind. This was followed by a planned saga of books called the Heroes of Dune, starting in 2008. In essence, it sets the stage for the battle over Arrakis that transpires in the first book. These three novels, Dune: House Atreides, Dune: House Harkonnen and Dune: House Corrino, are direct prequels to Frank Herbert's original Dune, establishing the lore building up to the events of Dune, primarily focusing on the schemes of Shaddam and Baron Harkonnen, outlining the first Duke Leto's rise to popularity and power. Anderson ultimately finished Frank Herbert's saga in 2006, the first Dune collaborations between them started publication in 1999. RELATED: Dune: Denis Villeneuve Explains Why Timothee Chalamet Is Perfect for Paul Atreides The Prelude to Dune and Heroes of Dune Anderson would continue to write Dune novels, but instead of going forward, they went backward. To date, this is the far end of the Dune timeline, completing the saga started by Frank Herbert. Hunters of Dune and Sandworms of Dune, published in 20, represent what Frank Herbert would have written for the seventh Dune novel, split into two volumes. Anderson, set out to complete the incomplete second Dune trilogy. Frank Herbert's son, Brian Herbert, found several notes left behind by his father, and, along with author Kevin J. If you have read this far, you have read a contained trilogy with the first two-thirds of a trilogy connected by the bridge-novel God Emperor of Dune. Fans for years wanted a finale to the saga, and they'd get it - eventually. Chapterhouse: Dune left off on a cliffhanger, one that was never truly followed-up on, as Frank Herbert died in 1986 before writing the third book in this second Dune trilogy. However, while this narrative might feel self-contained, the final two books of Herbert's run, Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse: Dune, take up where God Emperor leaves off. God Emperor of Dune follows Children of Dune, but it is easily one of the strangest entries in the entire series, taking place over the course of thousands of years.

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